White horse rolling in dirt.

Emergency Equine Surgery

Does your horse need an emergency equine surgery? At Cave Creek Equineâ„¢ we are here in these unexpected moments for you and your horse. You never know when these situations will arise. Our experienced team performs a variety of emergency horse surgery.

Emergency Equine Surgery Performed:

Fracture Repair

Fracture repair requires careful assessment through imaging and surgical planning to prepare for the procedure. Most fractures do not require emergency equine surgery in Phoenix, but should be treated as an emergency to stabilize the fracture site and the patient. In some cases it will require emergency horse surgery though. It’s best to be evaluated as soon as possible.

Once the patient is stabilized the fractured bone can then be repaired. Not all bones are amenable to repair, and the surgical success of those that are will depend on the anatomical location, fracture configuration, extent of tissue trauma, and the age, temperament and weight of the patient.

Joint and Tendon Sheath Infections

Joint, tendon sheath and bursal infections are always an emergency and should be attended to immediately. These structures will require surgical debridement and lavage as well as aggressive antibiotic treatment through local and regional limb perfusions.

Emergency Equine Surgery – Lacerations

Other emergency equine surgery in Arizona, performed by our team at Cave Creek Equineâ„¢ are lacerations. Our team can help with tendon lacerations and ruptures, and also rectal lacerations.