Man in dark gray long-sleeve shirt.

Urogenital Surgeries

Surgical procedures that involve either the urinary or reproductive systems


Castration (Routine)

Routine castrations may either be performed in the standing (young horse only) or anesthetized horse whereby standing castrations are always associated with a greater risk to both the horse as well as the surgeon.

Castrations in older horses (> 2 years) should be performed under general anesthesia to reduce the risk of post-operative complications. Castrations are often performed leaving an open drainage port, which requires a delay in returning to normal activity. If the castration site is closed, the horse typically may return to work within 10 – 14 days.

Castration (Cryptorchid)

Castration of the cryptorchid stallion can be performed under general anesthesia either via a conventional inguinal surgical incision or via laparoscopy (minimally invasive approach).

Bladder Stones

Bladder stones are relatively common condition seen in mares and stallions and require surgical removal either during a standing procedure or under general anesthesia.

Bladder Ruptures in Neonatals

Bladder ruptures are potential injury that can happen during the birthing process in newborn foals. Once the neonatal foal has been stabilized metabolically, the bladder can be repaired.

Hernia Repair

Hernias can happen in the umbilical region or the inguinal region of the foal and in most cases will require repair to prevent intestinal entrapment in the hernial sac.

Urine Pooling Surgery

Older mares with sloping vulvar conformations may experience a condition called urine pooling in the vaginal vault which can lead to uterine infections and unsightly urine spraying. The urine pooling surgery helps to channel the urine out of the vagina and prevents the pooling of urine.